Fed-up Lexi slams fans in a fiery rant!

Former Big Brother Mzansi season 1 star, Lexi Van Nierkerk has never been one to shy away from controversy.

The star took aim at fans who were insulting and criticizing her on social media about the show "Mandla and Lexi". But she didn't let the comments get her down. Lexi was on fire with all of her spicy replies.....!

"I could've responded to some of this trash human beings and be apologetic about 1 thing...But you guys take the cake when it comes to insulting me. Your stupidity has engulfed your entire brain because you haven't a clue how TV/production works." Lexi wrote.

"Responding to trash takes a lot of energy,data and guts. I'm not here to entertain you when you're vile.
If you must know fellow women: I am aware that I'm a rare breed of women...Lexi," She added.

Lexi also went to ahead to explain why she managed to find and use the "BAN BUTTON" on her page. “Finally managed to find and USE the 'BAN BUTTON' on my page. Thank You Facebook. The horrible trolls must be dying of frustration... LOL! Baby Bye! Lexi.” 

Lexi boldly gave her theory on how she actually enjoys reading comments about her from haters, and the way they want her to be. she is not interested because she might believe in freedom of speech but also believes in blocking, deleting, muting and banning. 

I actually enjoy reading your comments about me. Too bad I'm not the way you want me to be. I believe in freedom of speech but I also believe in block,delete,mute and ban.
So glad I could have you spitting your venom and judgemental ways at me. Thank heavens for my 'trash' reality show. Didn't know this kroeskop Coloured could heat you up so bad..Have a great Thursday and I can't wait for your Wednesdays to be boring again......Lexi." she wrote.

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