They'd do anything for R2million

trustWith 10 days left before we finally bid farewell to Big Brother Mzansi seaz 2, there's a lot to write home about as regards the latest behavior from housemates. Trust seems to be a huge challenge in the house coupled with the fights and back-biting.

Initially, K2 and Tembi had been besties of sorts and even with their respective partners around, the two always showed each affection and had each others backs. Fast forward, the two have changed completely towards each other. Tembi has in recent times shared that he doesn't trust K2 while the latter also said that he doesn't like the person Tembi has become of late.

Chelsea and Ntombi are close buddies and always share beds but what's interesting is that Ntombi has always warned her partner Ace to stay away from Chelsea because she was not trust worthy and was a skeamy girl.

Chelsea has also had her own share of the game fighting with so many housemates only for Mbali to stand in for her and comfort her whenever she felt like throwing in the towel.

At this point of the game, everyone is doing all they can to get furthest in the game and you can't blame them as R1million is at stake. It should be interesting to see how the next few days shape up.

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