The 'mighty' MbalSea ship sinking?

chelsIf one called them sore losers, we guess it wouldn't be in bad faith but just the truth, this follows the events that followed when the team strong ladies Mbali and Chelsea were on lost out yesterday during the HoH challenge which was followed with everyone pointing fingers at each for the loss.

Chelsea and and Mbali blamed each other for the loss and not doing enough to uplift their team. Initially the two ladies were known for always being their for each other. Mbali in particular seems to be a stronger spirited soul than her partner and she's been there for her like a big sister but to everyone's surprise, the two ladies failed to come to a consensus as they blamed each other for a painful loss.

K2 and Kay advised them to let go and pick out the key points that will help them go forward instead of laying blame as it wasn't doing their game any good.

By the look of things, the once strong and envied (by some housemates, so we think) partnership between these two ladies seems to be crashing each day but hopefully they are able to pick the broken pieces and mend their relationship sooner than later.

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