Yesterday was a tough day at school for head boy and head girl; K2 and Blue respectively. This bunch of classmates couldn’t possibly be more unruly. But sure enough, they were. A couple of miscreant smokers had tucked themselves away underneath the shrubs and flower beds to steal a quick drag. As we all know smoking was forbidden in Biggies school, just like in any other school.
But soon enough the troublemakers were caught in the act and dealt with accordingly. As soon as sharp Head boy K2 saw Ace and Soxx puffing away and passing the smokes. Without any waste of time K2 was knocking on the principal’s door to report the matter. Soon enough Soxx followed by Ace were banished to the detention booth for an hour to think about their bad behaviour. The reprobates took the punishment like big boys and sat inside the chamber while the others made fun of them.
First inside was Soxx who scrambled in with the task brief. He was soon done reading it. To pass the time he carried out an array of activities including sit-ups, push-ups, air-punches and finally kneeling down for a short prayer.
Then it was Ace’s turn who blew kisses and yelled “I’m coming back Ntombi!” to his lady-love before he was shut inside. He too jumped through hoops to pass the time. He recited everything from rap songs to reggae. He then counted flowers until he could count no more.
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