As the winning pairs from round one of the Head of House challenge prepared to receive further instructions on their next challenge, Big Brother surprised the housemates by revealing that the second round would include all of them.
The team-based challenge would see K2 and Blue, as well as Kay and Pumba, assuming the roles of team captains and picking three pairs each to make up their teams.
Biggie then sweetened the deal for all the housemates by revealing that the winning team would not only get Head of House status for the team leader but also Conspiracy Booth privileges.
The Conspiracy Booth allows housemates to conspire for five minutes a day in the company of the Head of House using the privacy of the Conspiracy Booth. Conspiring outside of the Conspiracy Booth is a punishable offence.
The Conspiracy Booth paired with the Head of House title will prove invaluable to whichever team wins and it’ll be interesting to see how the winners use it to their advantage.
How do you fore see this new trend coming along?
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